Let every man be slow to speak, slow to anger - James 1:19

I find sometimes with certain people (usually people I truly care about)this is such a challenge for me. When I speak slower sometimes people take it as me being defensive or speaking to them in a tone that not very positive. When both could be further from the truth.

I'm at a place in my life now where I simply do not want anger or drama as a part of my life. The best thing I feel that I can do at this moment is pray. Pray for myself and others.

Pop Sugar Fitness does it again.  What great suggestions to assist you in becoming instantly happy.  With so much going on in our lives sometimes we need a little reminder of the simple things.

Pop Sugar Suggestion #1
  1. Play a game (not on your phone): Get your family together, invite some friends over, and have a game night. Not only will you be surrounded by good company, but friendly competition usually guarantees a good time and a good laugh.
JT Thinks

What a great suggestion, I remember my ex, my daughter and I playing games and how much fun we had with just the three of us.  I remember one year we brought the New Year in playing Farkle and a few other games and eating all kinds of treats.  One of the best New Years I think I've had.   Find a board game and bring all the members of your family together and enjoy a good round of Monopoly, Life, or whatever game you may have.

I don't like everything Vintage but to me this is so adorable and the cost is fairly reasonable.

I might have to add something like this to my decor in my RV when the time comes.  Love it!!  Found this on Tomo Vintage which is an Etsy Shop.

We got this!!! You better take us seriously!! Because we are 

showing up to win. 

I am definitely someone who likes different things.  I guess you can say my taste is a tad bid eclectic.   I'm not a big jewelry wearer but I have to say I came across this ring and totally fell in love with it.

SHARE AND WIN! Want an autographed copy of our new Polymer Clay Art Jewelry Book? Here's how to get your chance: Like, Comment, and Share THIS POST during the week of 9/2-9/7. Winner will be chosen from all the commenters on the original post on Saturday the 7th. GOOD LUCK and Happy Sharing! 


When you learn how much you're worth, you'll stop giving people discounts.

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